- Welcome
- Early industries
- Obtaining flint
- Life and work around the hearth
- Development of the Neolithic Era
- Early pottery
- Life and death by the riverside
- Pottery featuring "moustache" decoration
- The formation of Iberian culture
- The Ilercavons
- The Iberian settlement of Les Planetes
- The burial practices of the early Iberians
- Zoomorphic sculpture
- Hibera, the city of the Ebro
- Hibera Iulia Ilercavonia Dertosa coins
- A new goddess for ancient worship
- Busts of a Greek goddess
- Seaport and passage of the Ebro
- Brocatello marble
- Civitas
- Ilercavonia-Dertosa coins
- The ager
- Pieces of stamped amphorae
- The mosaics of Barrugat
- Lares, Penates and Manes
- Funerary stele
- Visigothic remains
- Visigothic columns
- Large, richly fertile city abundant with blessings
- The maqabriya funerary stele
- Silversmith mould
- Its surroundings are brimming with towns, castles and farmsteads
- Seal
- All kinds of crafted objects and merchandise can be found
- Jug with geometric and epigraphic motifs
- The noble, the Faqih, the wiseman, the preacher of Turtuxa
- The vegueria of Tortosa and the Ebro Basin
- Seal of the veguer
- Panel Painting of the Verge dels Procuradors
- The diocese of Tortosa
- Scala Dei Coat of Arms
- Masters in the art of trading
- Money drawer
- The last local currency
- Moors, Jews and Christians
- Coexistence of the three cultures
- Edict of Expulsion of the Jews
- Edict of Expulsion of the Moriscos
- 20th Century. Audiovisual instructions
- 20th century. Audiovisual